
Quitting a job in which you are not happy can be something you have been waiting for so long to feel free and seek new opportunities in your professional life. However, there are several points to take into account so that your exit is as fluid and calm as possible since, after all, you leave a place where you shared with a work team and where at some point you found an opportunity. Regardless of what has happened, the best thing will always be to leave in a good way and leave the doors open.

Prepare your resignation

First of all, you should think carefully about the reasons that are leading you to make this decision. Then, make a plan in which you determine when you will deliver your resignation letter and when your last day of work at this company will be. Also remember to consciously write your resignation letter explaining your reasons and at the same time thanking you for the opportunity you were given to work in your organization.

Plan for the future
After you write your letter, you’ll also need to make a financial plan, since you’ll be out of a job for a while and you’ll need to cover your expenses from your savings. Consider at this point also, calculate what you should receive for the benefits you had in the company such as vacation time, among others.

Notify the company
Subsequently, giving a notice of 2 weeks would be the most common and something that could serve to leave a good impression of commitment in the company since this time allows it to make decisions about your position or your replacement. Generally, you will not be asked to leave immediately, which will help you to be able to leave your position in optimal conditions for whoever arrives in your place and to be able to say goodbye to those close to you at work.

All these practices can help you to make your departure from a company in the best possible way. However, if it is not easy, you could contact our team of labor lawyers Lara & Luna APC.

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